Revenue Powers & Enforcement
Revenue is entrusted with the authority to collect taxes lawfully owed to the State. Revenue powers, technologies and sophistication in the last twenty years have expanded enormously. In Revenue enforcement proceedings persons may find themselves in grave financial circumstances, facing a creditor with near unlimited resources, who can utilise powers uniquely conferred on Revenue.
Legal Standing for Judicial Reviews in Planning Law Cases
An amendment to the Section grounding leave was made by the Planning and Development, Maritime and Valuation (Amendment) Bill 2022 which was signed into law by the President on 24th July 2022.
Statute of Limitations in WRC Submissions
This article is about the Statute of Limitations in relation to claims brought before the Workplace Relations Commission, or the WRC. The WRC, among other things, is a forum which ensures the enforcement of employment rights. Employees with a workplace relations dispute can apply to have their claim heard by the WRC, who will issue a legally binding verdict on whether a breach of employee...
Judicial Review Applications
A judicial review is, at its simplest, an application to the Court to have a particular decision or action reviewed by the Courts. The types of decisions that are can be subject to Judicial review are quite broad. Once the person brining the application has taken legal advice on the merits of bringing the application the next factors to consider are the procedure and the relevant time limits...
Appeals to An Bord Pleanala
An Appeal to An Bord Plenala is available to persons who have had planning applications rejected by a local authority. An appeal is also available to persons who have lodged objections or observations relating to a planning application to a local authority.